In 2013, Ação Educativa, in partnership with the Fundación Fútbol para el Desarrollo (FuDe) and with support and mediation from terre des hommes Germany, started the implementation of the methodology of Street Soccer in the peripheral areas of São Paulo, Brazil, along with movements and social organizations that work to ensure human rights.
Also called “Fútbol Callejero” in Spanish, a name which was created during the first experiments in Argentina, Street Soccer changes many rules of the traditional sport, which is very practiced in Brazil and Latin America, and uses its potential for mobilization and socialization to apply it to the making of favorable spaces for the non-violent resolution of conflicts, community organizing and collective reflection about relevant topics, such as racial and gender discrimination, inequalities, and encourages dialogue and cooperation, among others.
In this publication, Ação Educativa systematizes its 10 years of practice of Street Soccer and makes the methodology accessible to social organizations and collectives that wish to apply it in their communities. The material presents the history of this practice, how the mediators of Street Soccer are trained and relates the experience to the promotion of a culture of peace with gender equity.
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